Heritage open days at Sleaford Museum – Sept 14/15 sees unveiling of new exhibition.

This year’s Lincolnshire Heritage Open Day Festival from Friday September 13th until Sunday 22nd September is the 25th anniversary – as in recent years, Sleaford Museum is an active participant  and will be open at its usual times throughout the period.

The first weekend (Sat 14th Sept) coincides with the unveiling of a major new exhibition at the Museum entitled ‘Public Water in Sleaford‘.

Sleaford Civic Trust made a successful bid to Heritage Lottery for the funds to renovate and restore the Bristol Water Fountain to its former glory, and Sleaford Museum is supporting this ongoing project with our new exhibition.  Do come along and see the exhibition – children may also want to come on that day to take part in a Lego building competition to make a model of the Bristol Fountain!


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