Volunteers needed – can you help Sleaford Museum?

Do you have an interest in history?  Would like to be part of a local group dedicated to preserving the heritage of Sleaford and district?  Why not join our volunteer team at Sleaford Museum?

We need friendly and enthusiastic volunteers – local knowledge is helpful, but not at all essential.  Volunteers are involved in the day-to-day running of the Museum – on the reception desk, meeting and greeting and talking to visitors.  There are also children’s activity days and visits from local groups which require staffing from volunteers.

The Museum opening hours for the summer (April to October) are Mon & Wed 10-4, Saturday 10-3 and Sunday 12-4.  You would be helping out on a regular basis, and could also be on standby to help out when others can’t, if you so wished.

Please contact the Museum on 07518 972016 or email sleafordmuseum@btinternet.com.  Hope to hear from you soon.




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